
Innovating with AI: Insights from VivaTech 2024

Episode Summary

The Viva Technologies trade show in Paris showcased a wide range of technology, with AI being a prominent theme. Startups from around the world presented their innovations, focusing on AI efficiencies to improve processes in various industries. Examples included AI-powered marketing copywriting, file compression, contract management, and training. The show also highlighted the use of AI to enhance the customer experience, with brands like LVMH using new technology to create sensorial experiences and immersive brand immersion. Additionally, AI was used to personalize products and provide interactive art experiences. The show emphasized the importance of collaboration between large companies and startups, as well as the potential for innovation in China's tech market.

Episode Notes

00:00 AI Efficiencies: Improving Processes Across Industries

07:49 Enhancing the Customer Experience with AI

08:18 Sensorial Experiences and Immersive Brand Immersion

26:30 China: A Playground for Innovation